DIY Art class: Summer art appreciation worksheets
For a pdf of the following worksheets, email Sarah at
diy art class: recycled street art worksheets
Recycled Street Art worksheets are created in partnership with Cathedral Village Arts Festival. For a digital copy or to submit a digital image of your artwork, please email Submission of your artwork grants Dunlop Art Gallery the right to post on our Community Art Projects page.
DIY Art class: Art rental worksheets
For a pdf of the following worksheets, email Sarah at
diy art class: pENCIL CRAYONS
Experiment with pencil crayons and watercolour pencils to create nature inspired artworks.
Calm emotions and meditate with a homemade sensory jar.
DIY Art Class: Matisse Montage
Watch the DIY Art Class: Matisse Montage to make your own collage inspired by Henri Matisse. Watch the Preview video to find out more about Matisse!
Be a part of Regina’s Cathedral Village Arts Festival and create your own mask.
DIY Art Class: Recycled Weaving
DIY Weavings
Dunlop Art Gallery Children’s Passport
The Dunlop Art Gallery Children’s Passport is an activity booklet that explores artwork in the Regina Public Library’s Permanent Collection.
Links to larger images featured in the Passport.
Ronald Kostyniuk, Prairie Giant A , Prairie Giant C, Prairie Giant F, Prairie Giant D, Road Map Series, 2008 , Patrick Traer, Falling from Afar, 1995 , Bob Boyer, Barricades and Bridges (detail) , 1990, Sam Spencer, Hockey Player (Toronto) , 1980-81 , Douglas Morton, Continuum, 1967, Dana Popescul, Patchwork Painting , 1997 , Kenneth Lochead Night Ochre, 1963, Susan Shantz AGGV Webstie 3D Rendering (Frog Teapot), 2011-12, Jeannie Mah, Familiar for Foreign (detail), 2000, Bill Burns, How to help animals escape from Natural History #5 (Lion), 1996.
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